14 Hour Resident Advisor
The Resident Advisor upholds the structure of the handbook in the evening/nighttime/weekend activities of the home. This position will ensure that the home remains stable in order to provide a safe environment for all the moms and babies in this home. The Resident Advisor works together with other staff to develop a community conducive to resident success by encouraging positive attitudes and behaviors. This position rotates Monday through Friday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 am. This role is paid the Ohio minimum Wage.
Reports to: House Director
Supervises: None
- Valid driver’s license; be willing to drive
- Be at least 21 years of age
- Associate’s Degree preferred
- Evidence of a personal relationship with Christ
- Knowledge of one’s boundaries and abilities to set limits with others
- Dependable, consistent, living a life of integrity
- Willing to adhere to all program policies and procedures
- Displays maturity in the areas of: interpersonal skills, communication skills, assertiveness, decision making, and problem solving skills
- CPR/First Aid certification
- Embrace and uphold the mission and values of Hannah’s Home
- Respond to emergencies in the home
- Drive vehicles transporting residents to and from evening/weekend appointments, interviews, work, school, etc.
- Provide evening/overnight/weekend house coverage responding to the duty of the moment
- Coordinate social activities inside and outside the home. (Innings and outings)
- Be an active listener and offer support and encouragement
- Provide a model for healthy, trusting relationships through clear communication, conflict resolution skills, and coping strategies
- Collect the laptops/cell phones at the appropriate times Facilitate medications at the appropriate times in the house director’s office
- Attend quarterly staff/volunteer trainings Set the alarm nightly
- Maintain the structure of the handbook
- Notify key staff of any defiance, non-compliance, or incidents via the case notes or accident/incident report form and morning debriefing with daytime staff
- Remain in communication with the on-call staff member in case of an emergency
- Complete all other assigned duties as assigned.
For inquiries and/or application, please contact Vicki Krnac, Executive Director at 440-209-9615 or director@hannahshome.org.